Exponent Philanthropy

Brand Assets

Find Philanthropy Lessons logos, images, video embed codes, and other assets along with instructions on how to use them. These guidelines are intended to promote consistent use of the Philanthropy Lessons brand.

When using any Philanthropy Lessons assets, please note:

  1. Your use must credit Exponent Philanthropy when using the Philanthropy Lessons videos and other assets
  2. Your use must be substantially separated from other logos, trademarks and graphics
  3. Your use must be the smallest logo used in your materials and proportional to the smallest font size of your marketing copy
  4. Your use must not imply endorsement by Exponent Philanthropy or create confusion
  5. Your use cannot be modified in any way, including proportions, colors, or fonts
  6. Your use cannot be used in connection with false or misleading advertising or to imply partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement
  7. Your use cannot be used in a manner that disparages Exponent Philanthropy
  8. Your use cannot be combined with other words or marks


We have the following to support your outreach (download a ZIP file)


Philanthropy Lessons Final Logo for Web





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GIFs (click image for link):

Philanthropy-Lessons-Power-Dynamic-Quote Mary Sobecki

Key Messages About the Series

Philanthropy Lessons is a video series and campaign produced by Exponent Philanthropy, funded by the Fund for Shared Insight, and released in partnership with The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Together, to help others be more effective and efficient in creating the change they want to see in the world, we are sharing words of wisdom from some of our industry’s most inspirational funders have learned throughout their philanthropic careers.

Presented in an accessible yet thought-provoking format, this series covers themes that apply across geographies, issues areas, and funder size. By sharing these lessons on themes including evaluation, learning from grantees, giving beyond dollars, and more, we hope to increase openness in the field and accelerate effective philanthropy.

We invite funders to share your most important philanthropy lessons as we work to increase openness in the field and accelerate effective philanthropy.

Find out more and share your philanthropy lessons at philanthropylessons.org or on social media: #MyPhilLesson.

For key messages about each video, please use the description that appears below the video. 


Social Media

Be sure to follow Exponent Philanthropy on Twitter (@exponentphil), LinkedIn, Facebook.

Use the hashtag #MyPhilLesson when referencing the video series and campaign.

You may use http://bit.ly/MyPhilLesson if you need a shortlink.

Sample Tweets: 

  • Watch Philanthropy Lessons: The Many Forms of Evaluation and share your #MyPhilLesson. PhilanthropyLessons.org #sharedinsight
  • Watch Philanthropy Lessons: How Do You Capture Hope? and share your #MyPhilLesson. PhilanthropyLessons.org #sharedinsight
  • Effective philanthropists embrace evaluation, understanding its dynamic and complex nature. Watch now http://bit.ly/MyPhilLesson #MyPhilLesson #sharedinsight
  • Evaluating impact means more than just the tangible. Watch now: http://bit.ly/MyPhilLesson #MyPhilLesson #sharedinsight
  • Learn about the many things that can help evaluate impact & hear how effective philanthropists think: philanthropylessons.org #MyPhilLesson #sharedinsight
  • Philanthropists: Inspire hope & use qualitative measures that can’t always be defined at the outset. Watch now: http://bit.ly/MyPhilLesson #MyPhilLesson #sharedinsight

Additional terms

If you use any Exponent Philanthropy or Philanthropy Lessons logos, icons, or buttons approved for use under these Brand Guidelines (“Philanthropy Lessons Creative Assets”), you agree that you will do so in compliance with the terms and conditions indicated on this page. If you do so, Exponent Philanthropy grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free limited license to use the Philanthropy Lessons Creative Assets to refer to Philanthropy Lessons, and only in accordance with these Brand Guidelines. This is not a trademark license.

Exponent Philanthropy reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the Philanthropy Lessons Creative Assets and to take action against any use that does not conform to these guidelines, violates Exponent Philanthropy’s Terms of Service, infringes any Exponent Philanthropy intellectual property or other right, or violates applicable law.

Except as set forth above, nothing herein grants or should be deemed to grant to you any right, title, or interest in or to the Philanthropy Lessons Creative Assets. Your use of the Philanthropy Lessons Creative Assets will inure to the benefit of Exponent Philanthropy, and Exponent Philanthropy disclaims any warranties either expressed or implied by law regarding the Philanthropy Lessons Creative Assets, including warranties of non-infringement.